Wednesday, April 11, 2012

DINING OUT: What? $3 For $25 Boston Market eGift Card.

93% Savings
Boston Market $3 Gift Card

I had to read this deal to make sure I wasn't missing some hidden flaw to this deal.  There really isn't one.  You just have to pay attention to the dates in case you want to cancel any membership when the trial period(s) end.

Worth A Look
Pay Attention To The Details

In a nutshell:

  • PAY Saveology $3 using a credit card & RECEIVE a $25 Boston Market eGift Card that you print or show on your mobile device (can start to use on 4/14/12 and there it NEVER expires, nor does it charge monthly dormancy fees if you don't use it for a while).
  • RECEIVE $15 Saveology Dollars for FREE and you'll be enrolled for 48 hours in Saveology's Elite Loyalty Program trial membership.  If you don't cancel within 48 hours it will be turned into an automatic membership and you will be PAY $10 and will RECEIVE another $15 Saveology Dollars for each month you remain a member.  
  • You'll receive a free subscription to MyTechHelp Gold Plus Plan ($9.99 value).   This is an organization that provides technical support for computers, smartphones, etc.*
So my math tells me that 
  • for $3 I will get $50 worth of goods / services.  
  • for $13 I will get $65 worth of goods / services.
And, the Saveology Dollars will be used in the future to pay for deals that also offer huge savings.

See the deal HERE so you can check on the details.  The deal will be around for 2 more days or less if they sell out.  I've seen deals like this end early due to popularity and lots of purchases.**

*It doesn't say how long the free subscription is to MyTechHelp, but I'm thinking it is a month because of the $9.99 value, which is the same as their monthly charge.

**I've purchased several Saveology deals and am very satisfied with everything.

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