"The" Original Coupon
- Do I enjoy legitimately free and deeply discounted groceries from my local supermarket, also known as extreme saving. Yes!
- Do I spend a good deal of time reading a mixed bag of emails each week, scouring websites, blogs and more in search of great deals? Yes!
- Do I have a life beyond coupons and groceries? Yes!
Some folks are interested because they don't want to pay more than is necessary on a regular basis; some are interested because they want to help others (family, food banks, animal shelters, neighbors...). And, some folks are just curious. That's why I choose to make a mental note of their interest and send off an email when I see a great deal on products or services they use or expressed interest in. I certainly don't receive any compensation for sending what I consider a thoughtful link or article. It's not as though the emails go out willy-nilly simply because there is some deal to be had. However, if someone shops on Amazon regularly and there is a great deal like yesterday's where an Amazon gift card was 50% off, why wouldn't I send a link. They can use the info or ignore it. They can ask me to stop sending them if they are offensive, annoying or extraneous. The only benefit I get is the satisfaction of sharing.
So what may seem like an obsession to one person, may be a necessity or lifestyle or helpful to another. I think many are guilty of graciously and even cheerfully sharing information that can be useful or helpful to others. After all, it's not as though I am forcing it on anyone... expecting or demanding them to listen to me and buy that discounted gift card online, or print those coupons and get their free razors or groceries.
- Am I a couponista? Maybe.
- Am I a coupon dictator. No.
- Do I have a life beyond coupons? Yes. It includes spending time with family, creative writing, pets, hobbies unrelated to shopping, reading, exercising (more emphasis could be placed on this one), films, social networking, and more.
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